Available courses

Pendidikan Pancasila Teknik Industri (V) Ganjil 2024/2025 - Venna Puspita Sari, S.Pd., M.A.
Teknik Industri

Hello everyone!

Welcome to Pancasila course. This is a course that will help you develop your knowledge, understanding, and experiences in the values of Pancasila as Indonesia’s ideology. In this course, you will explore the experiences in appreciating cultural diversity, views, religions, beliefs, and other people's original opinions. In addition, you will also be able to cooperate, have social sensitivity, and care about the community and the environment.

Course Description:
In principle, Pancasila is the basis, view of life, and ideology of the state, which is expected to unite the nation's diversity in terms of ethnicities, religions, races, and languages. The birth of Pancasila was created through a long critical process politically, socially, and culturally. Pancasila consists of five core principles: (1) Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa/Belief in the one and only God, (2) Kemanusiaan yang Adil dan Beradab/ A just and civilized humanity, (3) Persatuan Indonesia/Unity of Indonesia, (4) Kerakyatan yang Dipimpin oleh Hikmat Kebjaksanaan dalam permusyawaratan/perwakilan/Democracy, led by the wisdom of the representatives of the people, (5) Keadilan Sosial bagi Seluruh Rakyat Indonesia/Social justice for all Indonesian people.

However, the ideal goals of the Indonesian state and nation, as stated in the Pancasila, are not always in line with the reality on the ground. Conflicts between religions, poverty, discrimination, anti-democracy, and injustice are still happening. As future leaders, every student at Sampoerna University is expected to not only understand the history and concept of Pancasila but also to be able to implement them in everyday life, both as individuals, citizens and as God's creatures. This course will discuss the history and philosophy as well as the processes surrounding the formation of Pancasila as the basis of the Republic of Indonesia. With this course, students will learn about the perception of the basic principles of Pancasila and how Pancasila is implemented in everyday life.

Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Teknik Mesin (I) Ganjil 2024/2025 - Venna Puspita Sari, S.Pd., M.A.
Teknik Mesin

Hello students!

Welcome to Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan course. This course will help you develop your knowledge, understanding, and experiences in the values of Indonesia, being an Indonesian, and living in Indonesia. In this course, you will explore the experiences in appreciating cultural diversity, views, religions, beliefs, and other people's original opinions. In addition, you will also be able to cooperate, have social sensitivity, and care about the community and the environment.

Course Description:
This course is intended to equip students with essential knowledge and skills as citizens who have national spirit and insight, have character, love the homeland, are democratic, obey the law, and have the ability to appreciate diversity as the foundation for being able to contribute to the development of Indonesia.

Pendidikan Pancasila Teknik Mesin (V) Ganjil 2024/2024 - Venna Puspita Sari, S.Pd., M.A.
Teknik Mesin

Hello everyone!

Welcome to Pancasila course. This is a course that will help you develop your knowledge, understanding, and experiences in the values of Pancasila as Indonesia’s ideology. In this course, you will explore the experiences in appreciating cultural diversity, views, religions, beliefs, and other people's original opinions. In addition, you will also be able to cooperate, have social sensitivity, and care about the community and the environment.

Course Description:
In principle, Pancasila is the basis, view of life, and ideology of the state, which is expected to unite the nation's diversity in terms of ethnicities, religions, races, and languages. The birth of Pancasila was created through a long critical process politically, socially, and culturally. Pancasila consists of five core principles: (1) Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa/Belief in the one and only God, (2) Kemanusiaan yang Adil dan Beradab/ A just and civilized humanity, (3) Persatuan Indonesia/Unity of Indonesia, (4) Kerakyatan yang Dipimpin oleh Hikmat Kebjaksanaan dalam permusyawaratan/perwakilan/Democracy, led by the wisdom of the representatives of the people, (5) Keadilan Sosial bagi Seluruh Rakyat Indonesia/Social justice for all Indonesian people.

However, the ideal goals of the Indonesian state and nation, as stated in the Pancasila, are not always in line with the reality on the ground. Conflicts between religions, poverty, discrimination, anti-democracy, and injustice are still happening. As future leaders, every student at Sampoerna University is expected to not only understand the history and concept of Pancasila but also to be able to implement them in everyday life, both as individuals, citizens and as God's creatures. This course will discuss the history and philosophy as well as the processes surrounding the formation of Pancasila as the basis of the Republic of Indonesia. With this course, students will learn about the perception of the basic principles of Pancasila and how Pancasila is implemented in everyday life.

Elemen Mesin I TA 2024/2025 [Kuswandi Arifin, S.T., M.T.]
Teknik Mesin

Mata kuliah Elemen Mesin merupakan bagian fundamental dari pendidikan teknik mesin yang berfokus pada perancangan dan analisis komponen-komponen mekanik yang umum digunakan dalam berbagai aplikasi industri. Mata kuliah ini dirancang untuk memberikan pemahaman mendalam tentang prinsip-prinsip dasar perancangan, analisis kekuatan dan beban, serta implementasi metodologi desain dalam konteks rekayasa.

Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Teknik Elektro (I) Ganjil 2024/2025 - Venna Puspita Sari, S.Pd., M.A.
Teknik Elektro

Hello students!

Welcome to Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan course. This course will help you develop your knowledge, understanding, and experiences in the values of Indonesia, being an Indonesian, and living in Indonesia. In this course, you will explore the experiences in appreciating cultural diversity, views, religions, beliefs, and other people's original opinions. In addition, you will also be able to cooperate, have social sensitivity, and care about the community and the environment.

Course Description:
This course is intended to equip students with essential knowledge and skills as citizens who have national spirit and insight, have character, love the homeland, are democratic, obey the law, and have the ability to appreciate diversity as the foundation for being able to contribute to the development of Indonesia.

Sistem Informasi Manajemen (Winda Lestari)

Sistem informasi manajemen atau SIM adalah sistem perencanaan bagian dari pengendalian internal suatu bisnis yang meliputi pemanfaatan manusia, dokumen, teknologi, dan prosedur oleh akuntansi manajemen untuk memecahkan masalah bisnis seperti biaya produk, layanan, atau suatu strategi bisnis